Saving Lives Four Paws at a Time
Help us give homeless animals a second chance in a loving home
About Us
Paw Prints Animal Rescue (PPAR) was founded in 2004 as an all-volunteer nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing the population of homeless cats and dogs through a Rescue and Adoption Program. Those original founders still manage the organization as volunteers, along with a team of volunteer fosters, who take Paw Prints rescues into their homes until they are adopted. Paw Prints now focuses its efforts and resources on rescuing just cats and kittens, who are often “second class citizens” after dogs in rescue and shelter programs.
We are dedicated to finding forever homes for displaced or abandoned cats and educating the public about pet overpopulation and the benefits of spaying and neutering. Paw Prints accepts into its program stray cat and kittens as foster space permits. We work with the Wake County SPCA and many rural shelters to take in cats who have special medical needs or who will be euthanized because “their time is up.”

Forever Home
Prior to adoption, foster animals are tested, vaccinated, microchipped, treated for parasites and sterilized. These cats live in volunteer foster homes until we find them a loving permanent home—however long it takes. They receive individualized attention, love, socialization and observation in their foster homes to ensure that a perfect match is achieved when adopted into their forever homes.
Lifetime Commitment
Paw Prints makes a lifetime commitment to each animal it rescues and places through adoption. We never want these animals to be homeless again. Accordingly, our adoption contract requires any individual who adopts an animal from our program to return it to us for re-homing should they ever find they are no longer able to provide the animal with a good home.